O Helios, lord of this sky, be propitious;
you too, be propitious to us, Selene, sacred lady;
and you Phosphorus, and you Stilbon, of the bright sun
always mates, and you, Phenon, Phaeton,
Pyroen, all subject to the sun
sovereign who you help
for what concerns us, according to what needed; we celebrate you
as our illustrious patrons,
together with other stars, put in the sky for divine far-sightedness.
[Note: phosphorus in Greek means ‘bearer of light’, in Latin Lucifer, that is the planet Venus appearing in the morning; Stilbon is the planet Mercury, Phenon Saturn, Phaeton Jupiter, Pyroen Mars, all planets]
George Gemistos Plethon
translated by Manuela Simeoni
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