From the beginning we said that a standard is a series of rules on which we agree; to create this like other standards we ought to create a group of those, pagans or lovers of ancient civilizations, who want to take part to the definition of the basic schema and then to the database creation. Team work is particularly useful if representatives of different countries take part to it, so that we can fit the schema to different needs and make information in database more complete and interesting. But even working with people from the same country is important to benefit from different points of view, to get a more complete work.
So the standard is born from discussion, that nowadays can be opened on the web: there are many kind of services who can help different phases of the work, from the exam of documents, like this starting document or successive drafts, to discussion, to the vote of single points of discussion. The advantage in using mailing lists, forum and similar devices is also in time saving for participants who can take part to the discussion when they have time, without being tied to specific days and times.
The discussion can start from this document which stresses the most relevant points in standard creation; everyone can propose opinions and solutions, which can be analyzed and discussed; then a first draft will be written, voted and eventually discussed again until the standard approval. From here we’ll start the operative phase, creating the database according to the standard; the last discussion will be about more practical aspects, the way the database should be available, ways to integrate different databases (should we exchange them, with every national group creating its version, or create a unique central database, from which the searchable version will be elaborated?), help files for users.
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